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Basel Compliance

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Learn how Interfacing can help you with Basel Compliance for Basel 3 & Basel 1 2 3.

Basel Compliance

Basel 3 asks organizations to implement a corporate risk management system that accounts for operational risks. Basel 3 requires financial organizations to set aside regulatory capital for operational risk – an important development that affects most financial service institutions worldwide.

Basel Compliance: A closer look at the advantages of Basel 3 & Basel 1 2 3

Ensure Transparency

Know where ressources are being used and encourage efficient work and habits by planning well in advance

Orchestrate Technology

Implement service orchestration to design more flexible communications networks that mirror the efficients of your business process management

Manage Workflow

Integrate your people, processes, and technology by taking advantage of our workflow engine to deliver work to where it’s needed, and keep all employees up to date with the most important priorities

Portable Process Manuals

Ability to generate a complete output of your processes and all of the related information that is ready for print. A collaborative tool that allows your agents to share information more widely

Implement Standard Methodologies

Avoid the need for continual trial and error in improving your client’s operational efficiency; get a head start by taking advantage of industry standards


Our process methodology and support for business rules and risk/control management allows effective process design that has all the appropriate checks and balances.

Encourage Collaboration

By uniting goals and creating a common framework for your clients, they will be able to cooperate at a previously unattained level.

Utilize Resources

Business process management will expose unused resources and allow you to take better advantage of them along the lengh of the process.

From a BPM perspective, the standards of Basel 3 have increased pressure on:

From a BPM perspective, the standards of Basel 3 have increased pressure on:

  • Tracking capital adequacy,
  • Measuring and maximizing profitability, and
  • Streamlining systems from a Business Process Management (BPM) perspective

It is based on three pillars:

It is based on three pillars:

  • Minimum capital requirements
  • Supervisory review
  • Market discipline

Basel Compliance Process

Basel 3, or The New Accord (based on the original Basel Accord), was created to improve the way financial organizations and regulators approach risk management. Its goal was to revise the international standards for measuring capital and to introduce a more formal approach to measuring and managing operational risk.

Why Interfacing?

Your Interfacing team possesses in-depth expertise in Basel III compliance, offering robust solutions to help your organization navigate complex regulatory requirements. Our advanced tools and methodologies ensure your financial institution can achieve and maintain compliance with Basel III standards, enhancing risk management, capital adequacy, and operational resilience.

In addition to meeting Basel 3 requirements and all other standards for risk management, EPC offers versatile profitability analysis, fully integrated performance measurement, and better planning capabilities. Your organization benefits from:
Lower capital reserve requirements
Lower credit risk and losses
Extended risk-adjusted pricing
Better reporting of exposures
Better processes, controls and more effective cost management
Clearer compliance reports

To explore further or discuss how Interfacing can assist your organization, please complete the form below.

Audit & Compliance

Efficiently govern your business complexity and continuous transformation through process based quality, performance and compliance management solutions.

Document & Knowledge Management

Our Document Management Solution (DMS) will also stimulate critical thinking and support knowledge sharing, promoting knowledge accumulation across your operations.

Gain Transparency with the Enterprise Process Center®

Interfacing’s Digital Twin Organization software provides the transparency and Governance to improve Quality, Efficiency and ensure Regulatory Compliance.

Read Our Blogs

Take a moment to read blogs about GXP, Regulatory Compliance, today’s trends, and much much more!


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